searchengine optimized title tag

As you can see on these pages it is possible to have the path of titles in reversed order, so the actual page is in front and pages above in hirarchy following.

Pros: Searchenginges like google give the first words in the title more weight than the last and in this way you don't have the name of company or rootpage for primary keyword for any page.


At first the easy way with name of company or rootpage in front and actual page at last:

config.noPageTitle = 2

page.headerData.123 = COA
page.headerData.123 {
	# aufsteigend:
	10 = HMENU
	10 {
		special = rootline
		special.range = 1|-1
		1 = TMENU
		1.NO = 1
		1.NO {
			doNotLinkIt = 1
			stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
			stdWrap.wrap = | »  |*| | »  |*| |
		stdWrap.noTrimWrap ( |
<title> &raquo; |</title>

And now in reversed order:

config.noPageTitle = 2

page.headerData.123 = COA
page.headerData.123 {
	10 = HMENU
	10 {
		special = rootline
		special.range = 1|-1
		1 = TMENU
		1.NO {
			doNotLinkIt = 1
			stdWrap.cObject = LOAD_REGISTER
			stdWrap.cObject.toBeReverted {
				field = nav_title//title
#				typolink.parameter.field = uid
	20 < .10
	20.1.NO {
		stdWrap.cObject >
		stdWrap.cObject = COA
		stdWrap.cObject {
			10 = TEXT = register:toBeReverted
		allWrap = |&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;
#				|*||*| |
	stdWrap.noTrimWrap ( |
<title> | &raquo;</title>

for a long time TYPO3 is able to revert teh order of the rootline:


 special = rootline
special.range = 1|-1
special.reverseOrder = 1
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